Bajo este extraño nombre para un disco, los suecos retro-progresivos BEARDFISH vuelven a la carga tras casi 2 años y medio después de su fenomenal "The Void" (2012). ¡¡Cuanto les echábamos de menos...!!
"+4626-Comfortzone" saldrá a la venta en Europa el 15 de enero de 2015 bajo el sello PROG por excelencia InsideOut Music, con quiénes firmaron contrato para publicar su 3er álbum de 2007 "Sleeping in Traffic: Part One". La banda sigue estando formada por Rikard Sjöblom (voz, teclados y guitarras), David Zackrisson (guitarras), Magnus Östgren (batería) y Robert Hansen (bajo).
Os dejo el comunicado (en inglés) del grupo respecto a la temática de éste:
"In this case the comfort zone is the invisible protective suit of negative thinking, almost like an entity of itself. It's been with you since birth: your parents and your teachers and your friends and your neighbours all teaching you the way the world works - this is how it is and will be and there's nothing you can do about it. The negative vibe is like a voice living inside of you, a companion through life. With time you start to like that voice and the place it takes you to: your comfort zone. I'm so sick and tired of it and I want to address it and maybe in that way start to work my way out of it".
1. The One Inside Part 1 – Noise In The Background
2. Hold On
3. Comfort Zone
4. Can You See Me Now
5. King
6. The One Inside Part 2 – My Companion Throughout Life
7. Daughter Whore
8. If We Must Be Apart (A Love Story Continued)
9. Ode To The Rock'n'Roller
10. The One Inside Part 3 – Relief
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